The Early Years – Part 2: Time with Yogacharya BKS Iyengar 02-05-22Savasana 03-08-22Yoga and Sound 03-11-22A Special Pranayama Class with Ramanand Patel 04-05-22 Standing Poses 04-12-22Ponderings about the Pelvic Floor 05-08-22The Chakras 06-06-22Pranayama 07-02-22Inversions (upside down poses) 09-02-22Time with Swami Dayananda 10-1-22Forward Folds 11-28-22The Early Years – Part 1 12-30-22The Vayus 01-02-23Approaches to Yoga with Ramanand Patel 02-11-23The Koshas 04-28-23